Sunday, June 7, 2009

walking with a ghost

i'm not sure what it is, but i'm really into tegan & sara right now. i'm also not sure whats going on with me right now... i'm just not my usual self. which seems only fair - i've had a fucked up month: 2 family deaths in 6 days while watching my mom fall apart and trying to keep my house as well rounded as possible. but it doesn't feel like all of these things are the reason that i'm "off".

really, i just wanna get away. i want to go on a long drive. i want it to be september again and be riding the trains in scotland, paris, ireland etc. i want to still feel like there are a million doors open to me. i wish i was one of those people that just threw myself into things to deal with stress, but i don't. i do nothing. i hang out.

i guess i just feel like i need more right now.

everyone told me today at the wake that i look like my grandpa - i hope it's true.